Two puzzles for Friday maths from Lesley

 Zios and Zepts

On the planet Vuv there are two sorts of creatures. The Zios have 3 legs and the Zepts have 7 legs.

The great planetary explorer Nico, who first discovered the planet, saw a crowd of Zios and Zepts. He managed to see that there was more than one of each kind of creature before they saw him. Suddenly they all rolled over onto their backs and put their legs in the air.

He counted 52 legs.  How many Zios and how many Zepts were there?
Do you think there are any different answers?

Area and Perimeter

What can you say about these two shapes?



2 shapes



What is the area of each one? What is the perimeter of each one?

What can you say about the shapes below?



8 shapes


Can you draw a shape in which the area is numerically equal to its perimeter? And another?
Can you draw a shape in which the perimeter is numerically twice the area?
Can you draw a shape in which the area is numerically twice the perimeter?
Can you make the area of your shape go up but the perimeter go down?
Can you make the perimeter of your shape go up but the area go down? 

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