Brendas original email home to the class

 Suggestions for activities at home:

Dictionary-Play the dictionary game with family members. Challenge each other to find a word in the dictionary and then share the meaning. Make them as obscure as possible.

Atlas- If you have an atlas at home, play the atlas game where you find a country in the index and locate it. Find a river, lake, city, mountain range, or town in a country by using the coordinates listed in the index. 

Geography- Identify neighbouring countries to a country of interest from your experience or interest.

Writing- In conjunction with Book Week and our guest speakers from Monday and Tuesday, start writing. Remember their experience and struggles and their advice that you need time to develop your plan, characters, and storyline. 
Be courageous and edit your work until you are happy with the outcome. You have multiple consecutive days to be able to craft and recraft your work. This is an opportunity that we can't easily replicate at school as we don't have the time to write, then come back to it and sit quietly and think about what we want to say. 

Words within a word- I will give you a new word each day. Try to find something to record your list of words on so as we can share and compare when we return to school. Also, find and understand the meaning of the word
Today's word-

Science- What in the world is happening in your garden and neighbourhood. Really take the time to look and observe the changes. Make a drawing or be inspired to write from these observations

See you all soon. Take care and enjoy this time at home.

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