Monday afternoon writing session (week 2 at home)



Below is a link to the Dunedin albatross page including their webcam

The Royal albatross can have a wingspan of 2.5 metres, can you measure that out?


A New Zealand author - Hone Tuwhare wrote a poem about the albatross, here is the first verse (Toroa - Maori for Albatross)

Day and night endlessly you have flown effortless of wing

over chest-expanding oceans far from land.

Do you switch on an automatic pilot, close your eyes

in sleep, Toroa?

My Task for the writers sitting at home, what can we, as humans, do that would have a similar feeling to gliding over the waves? Is it when you are freewheeling downhill on your bike? Does that amazing feeling happen when you are snowboarding or skiing in fresh powder snow? Does it happen when you feel a wave at the beach pick you up and throw you towards the shore? Does it happen when you are dreaming?

Write about swooping and gliding- that's it, just write about that cool feeling. write sentences, write phrases, write a poem, just write!

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