Handwork: Friday the 27th


Another Handwork Day from Home

Kia ora Class 6,

I hope you are all having a lovely week.

It’s handwork day again already and here are a few more ideas to keep you going. Please remember the idea is to do as little or as much as you wish, and that anything you do manage is wonderful. In case you are feeling adventurous, I have given you a fuller list of doll dimensions and a few more suggestions.


Body length from shoulder to the groin – 16cm

Arm length from shoulder to the end of the hand - 14cm

Leg length from groin to heel - 14-15cm

Waist to heel – 20cm

Circumference around the tummy - 31-32cm

Circumference around the widest part of the arms -  12cm

Circumference around the widest part of the legs - 13cm

Waist to the groin – 8-9cm

Waist to knee – 14cm

Top of the head to neck – 12cm

Width of shoulders – 14-15cm

(don't forget to allow a bit of wriggle room)


Here’s what to work on today

·       Use these dimensions to draw the outline of a doll so you have a good idea of proportion. If anyone in your household has a doll measure it and see if any of the dimensions are similar – you may find you have a reasonable model to help you with sizing your doll clothes.

·       Try making a pattern for a piece of clothing using the above measurements


I would suggest that it is easiest to make trousers or a skirt, to begin with. Have a look at some of your own clothing to get some clues as to how they are made. I have also included a picture below to show you the shape of a trouser pattern. Just experiment and see what you come up with. I’m sure some of the best designers and tailors have started this way.


If you are making trousers or a skirt allow 2cm extra at the top and bottom (this is to make a channel for the elastic at the top and a hem at the bottom) and 1cm side seams.

Keeping things easy ..

If you look at all this information and think this is just too difficult for me just stay with making some simple accessories for your doll.

I love to get messages from you and I’m always here to help so get in touch using my email: janiceb@ch.steiner.school.nz    Have a great weekend!

Ngaa mihi


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