Marvellous maths for the weekend

 Yes, mathematics can happen on the weekend as well! YIPPEE


Street Lamps 


Walking up a steep hill, I pass 10 equally spaced street lamps.

I take 5 seconds to walk from the first lamp to the second lamp, 6 seconds from the second lamp to the third, and so on, with each time increasing by 1 second as I slow down.

How long do I take to walk from the first lamp to the last?

Fruit Line-up

A grocer places some oranges, peaches, apples, and bananas in a row so that somewhere in the row, each type of fruit can be found next to each other type of fruit.

What is the smallest possible number of fruits in the row?

Many Matildas


The name Matilda is written repetitively like this:


What is the one thousandth letter?

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