Tasks for Brenda: Thursday 19th

 I found this word while I was reading a book and thought... what does that mean.

What is the meaning of Pachyderm?

Today's word is Phantasmagorias
What words can you make using the letters?

Continue with your writing. Remember that all authors write then edit multiple times. 
Just imagine what you could produce by having days to think about your story. 
Joanna Orwin said she spent a maximum of 5 hours a day on her writing often less even if it didn't go well, then she got out and did things like gardening, cooking, walking and still, the story grew in her head. 
This is a great opportunity to create like an author and experience how your story could grow with time and rest between. 
Happy writing and word finding. 
Enjoy this beautiful day. We are off for a bike ride along the foreshore track.

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