Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Last Day Sale, get two for one

Maths tasks heading out the door as we speak

Half Price


See everyone on Thursday



Important announcement: As of Wednesday, I will be teaching at school, so will only be able to answer your questions after 4pm. The blog will still have tasks and activities on it, I might just be a little slower to respond to your queries, so please be patient. 

Welcome to the home of class six 2021 lockdown adventures

Monday morning week two addition

I have heard from several of you, I've seen photos of your work, photos of you outside enjoying the fresh air, riding your bike, walking on our Port hills. I hope you are making the most of this lockdown, reading, being with your family, getting outside, trying something new. Soon we will be back in the classroom together, chatting and learning- so enjoy this quiet time, this time to work on your personal interests. Take care, keep emailing me


and he did, Jordis albatross poem (with his permission of course)

Flying high, passing by,

Swooping, gliding. 

catch a tasty morsel from down below,

where I'm going I do not know,

I need to itch

I've got the stitch

how long should I sleep tonight?

I've got places to go.

This might not have been what we expected but we can have fun with our circumstances and make the most of what it offers. Certainly, I can't have Finn at school, but he can be with me online.

The tasks and activities I post here, are for you to explore, some of you will be doing this on your own, some will have your whanau with you, or feeding you the tasks offline. Just adapt to fit your circumstances, the time, and the materials you have available. 
You should look at the list on the side of this main page, 

and click on anything listed there- it opens up a new page for you to explore.
Look how clever Blaze was with his gold rush task,

I always enjoy hearing how you get on, so feel free to email me at lesleym@ch.steiner.school.nz 
I've already heard from Sian, Jordi and Sujan via email. Great work guys!

I don't know how long this will continue, but I will keep posting until we go back to school in person. Make sure you get some exercise and fresh air every day, sleep well, eat well, help out those around you, and keep in touch with each other.